Different export strategies are used for trading in different commodities, reflecting the competition aspect and margins that characterize each commodity. Most commodities traded around the world are still mainly governed by the traditional and safe letter of credit instrument, whereas some agri-commodities like rice are traded with CAD instruments which provide more flexibility but at the same time pose more risks to exporters.
Exporters are increasingly being asked to take risk until arrival of goods at the buyers destination port. In addition, with privatization taking place in most importing countries, there is increased competition and heightened demand for financing facilities or deferred credit terms requested by importers.
We specialise in offering exporters world-wide with non-recourse discounting/forfaiting solutions for drafts avalized ( Traite Avalisee) by banks in Africa, Asia etc. In particular, we have helped a number of global exporters do business with confidence and peace of mind in WAEMU countries such as Burkina Faso, Cote’ D Ivoire, Niger etc.